Trout Fishing At Rock
Island Lake Fishing Camp

Trout Fishing At Rock
Island Lake Fishing Camp


tranquility on remote walk-in lakes, perfect for float-tube fishing away from crowds.


from a variety of accessible options, a short stroll from camp or easily reached by driving and walking.


the company of nature on the water, with only the sound of loons echoing in the distance.


All our lakes have only one species “The Famous Wild Kamloops Trout”. You have to hook one to know why they are called Wild. They will dance for you!

Please Note! We have a good selection of flies that work on the Rock Island Lake at our lodge


Our lakes vary in depth from deep volcanic holes to shallow beaver dams. They differ in water, from clear to marl bottoms, to dark tea colored lily pad ponds. Rock Island Lake is located on B.C.’s famed Nehalliston Plateau. Elevation -4,200 ft. Some of our walk-in lakes are 5,000 ft. -5,500 ft.


This wonderful man is Don Simonson. He is a long time guest of Rock Island.

This was his 46th year with us and caught this beauty. 14.5lbs and 34 Inches long; taking 11.5 hours smoke.